Approve the minutes of the January 24th, 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission regular meeting.
4. Easement Vacation. Vacation of a 15-foot wide sanitary sewer easement dedicated to the City of St. Charles being part of Lot 5 in Block 8 of Steen and Cunningham’s Subdivision of the St. Charles County Commons and recorded in Deed Book 1138 Page 1155 of the St. Charles County Recorder’s Office. 5. Case No. SP-2022-02. (Brian Ivy) A site plan application for amended façade elevations at an existing retail location at 1920 Zumbehl Road and within the C-2 General Business District. The subject property is located in Ward 6. THIS ITEM WAS TABLED AT THE JANUARY 24TH, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING. 6. Case No. SP-2022-06. (L.E. Morris – AAIC Inc.) A site plan application for a parking lot expansion at an existing office/warehouse building located at 2081 Exchange Drive and within the I-1 Light Industrial District. The subject property is located in Ward 4. 7. Case No. SP-2022-07. (Stephen J Hollander – S. J. Hollander Architect) A site plan application for a new playground and outdoor pavilion at an existing church/preschool located at 2800 Elm Street and within the R-1E Single-Family Residential District. The subject property is located in Ward 7.
Case No. CU-2022-01. (Dustin English – 204 ABB, LLC) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.270(C)(1) for a Guest House use within the CBD/HDD Central Business District within the Historic Downtown District located at 142 N Main Street. The subject property is located in Ward 1.
Case No. CU-2022-02. (Mark Hoerman – Equip Rental & Sales, LLC) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.250(B)(1) for the expansion of outdoor storage associated with a permitted use (equipment rental and leasing services) within the I-2 Heavy Industrial District located at 1721-1725 Ford Lane (a.k.a. 1717 Ford Lane). The subject property is located in Ward 3. THE APPLICANT REQUESTS TO TABLE THIS ITEM TO THE MARCH 28TH, 2022 MEETING.
Case No. SP-2022-04. (Excel Engineering, Inc.) A site plan application for an elevation amendment located at 2931 Veterans Memorial Parkway and within the C-2 General Business District. The subject property is located in Ward 6. THE APPLICANT REQUESTS TO FURTHER TABLE TO THE MARCH 28TH, 2022 MEETING. THIS ITEM WAS TABLED AT THE JANUARY 24TH, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING.
Case No. SP-2022-03. (Mark Kamphoefner – Keystone Quality Design/Build Construction) A site plan application for a 54,240 square foot expansion of an existing office/warehouse building located at 301 Fountain Lakes Industrial Drive and within the I-2/WHP Heavy Industrial District within the Wellhead Protection District. The subject property is located in Ward 8. Adjourn The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission is scheduled for March 28th, 2022.
Approve the minutes of the January 24th, 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission regular meeting.
4. Easement Vacation. Vacation of a 15-foot wide sanitary sewer easement dedicated to the City of St. Charles being part of Lot 5 in Block 8 of Steen and Cunningham’s Subdivision of the St. Charles County Commons and recorded in Deed Book 1138 Page 1155 of the St. Charles County Recorder’s Office. 5. Case No. SP-2022-02. (Brian Ivy) A site plan application for amended façade elevations at an existing retail location at 1920 Zumbehl Road and within the C-2 General Business District. The subject property is located in Ward 6. THIS ITEM WAS TABLED AT THE JANUARY 24TH, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING. 6. Case No. SP-2022-06. (L.E. Morris – AAIC Inc.) A site plan application for a parking lot expansion at an existing office/warehouse building located at 2081 Exchange Drive and within the I-1 Light Industrial District. The subject property is located in Ward 4. 7. Case No. SP-2022-07. (Stephen J Hollander – S. J. Hollander Architect) A site plan application for a new playground and outdoor pavilion at an existing church/preschool located at 2800 Elm Street and within the R-1E Single-Family Residential District. The subject property is located in Ward 7.
Case No. CU-2022-01. (Dustin English – 204 ABB, LLC) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.270(C)(1) for a Guest House use within the CBD/HDD Central Business District within the Historic Downtown District located at 142 N Main Street. The subject property is located in Ward 1.
Case No. CU-2022-02. (Mark Hoerman – Equip Rental & Sales, LLC) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.250(B)(1) for the expansion of outdoor storage associated with a permitted use (equipment rental and leasing services) within the I-2 Heavy Industrial District located at 1721-1725 Ford Lane (a.k.a. 1717 Ford Lane). The subject property is located in Ward 3. THE APPLICANT REQUESTS TO TABLE THIS ITEM TO THE MARCH 28TH, 2022 MEETING.
Case No. SP-2022-04. (Excel Engineering, Inc.) A site plan application for an elevation amendment located at 2931 Veterans Memorial Parkway and within the C-2 General Business District. The subject property is located in Ward 6. THE APPLICANT REQUESTS TO FURTHER TABLE TO THE MARCH 28TH, 2022 MEETING. THIS ITEM WAS TABLED AT THE JANUARY 24TH, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING.
Case No. SP-2022-03. (Mark Kamphoefner – Keystone Quality Design/Build Construction) A site plan application for a 54,240 square foot expansion of an existing office/warehouse building located at 301 Fountain Lakes Industrial Drive and within the I-2/WHP Heavy Industrial District within the Wellhead Protection District. The subject property is located in Ward 8. Adjourn The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission is scheduled for March 28th, 2022.