Approve the minutes of the September 27th, 2021 Planning and Zoning Commission regular meeting.
4. Case No. SUB-2021-06. (Norbert Wildhaber – Stock & Associates) A preliminary plat application for the subdivision of an approximately 4.77 acre tract of land within the C-2 General Business District known as 2050 S Old Highway 94. The subject property is located in Ward 4.
Case No. Z-2021-08. (Robert Greve) An application to rezone an approximately 1.94 acre tract of land, known as 300 Water Street, from C-1/EHP Neighborhood Business District within the Extended Historic Preservation District to HCD/EHP Historic Commercial District within the Extended Historic Preservation District. The subject property is located in Ward 2. THE REZONING WAS TABLED AT THE SEPTEMBER 27TH, 2021 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AND HAS SINCE BEEN WITHDRAWN BY THE APPLICANT.
6. Case No. Z-2021-09. (George M. Stock – Stock & Associates) An application to rezone an approximately 1.3 acres of ground (more or less) from R-1E, Single-Family Residential District to C-2, General Business District and to rezone approximately 28.5 acres (more or less) tracts of land to from previously annexed St. Charles County A, Agricultural District and C2, General Commercial to St. Charles City C-2, General Business District. The property is located generally south of I-70 and east of South Main Street and South River Road within Ward 3. 7. Case No. Z-2021-10. (George M. Stock – Stock & Associates) An application to rezone an approximately 37 acres (more or less) tract of land from C-2 General Business District to PD-MU Planned Development – Mixed Use District for a development to be known as Riverpointe. The property is located generally south of I-70 and east of South Main Street and South River Road within Ward 3. This application does not include the ground known as Bangert Island.
Case No. Z-2021-11. (Paul Fortney – Pebblesteine LLC) An application to rezone an approximately 0.16 acre tract of land, known as 1100 S. Benton Avenue, from C-2, General Business District within the EHP Extended Historic Preservation District to R-1E, Single-Family Residential District within the EHP Extended Historic Preservation District. The subject property is located in Ward 2.
Case No. CU-2021-27. (Samantha Cisneros) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.270(C)(1) for a liquor sales associated with a permitted restaurant use in the CBD, Central Business District within the Historic Downtown District located at 323 N Main Street. The subject property is located in Ward 1.
Case No. TA-2021-09. (City of St. Charles) An application to amend Chapter 400 of the Code of Ordinances, specifically Section 400.050 Definitions and amending Section 400.230 C-3 Highway Business District specifically to address Kratom Products Facility. Adjourn The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission is scheduled for November 22nd, 2021.
Approve the minutes of the September 27th, 2021 Planning and Zoning Commission regular meeting.
4. Case No. SUB-2021-06. (Norbert Wildhaber – Stock & Associates) A preliminary plat application for the subdivision of an approximately 4.77 acre tract of land within the C-2 General Business District known as 2050 S Old Highway 94. The subject property is located in Ward 4.
Case No. Z-2021-08. (Robert Greve) An application to rezone an approximately 1.94 acre tract of land, known as 300 Water Street, from C-1/EHP Neighborhood Business District within the Extended Historic Preservation District to HCD/EHP Historic Commercial District within the Extended Historic Preservation District. The subject property is located in Ward 2. THE REZONING WAS TABLED AT THE SEPTEMBER 27TH, 2021 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AND HAS SINCE BEEN WITHDRAWN BY THE APPLICANT.
6. Case No. Z-2021-09. (George M. Stock – Stock & Associates) An application to rezone an approximately 1.3 acres of ground (more or less) from R-1E, Single-Family Residential District to C-2, General Business District and to rezone approximately 28.5 acres (more or less) tracts of land to from previously annexed St. Charles County A, Agricultural District and C2, General Commercial to St. Charles City C-2, General Business District. The property is located generally south of I-70 and east of South Main Street and South River Road within Ward 3. 7. Case No. Z-2021-10. (George M. Stock – Stock & Associates) An application to rezone an approximately 37 acres (more or less) tract of land from C-2 General Business District to PD-MU Planned Development – Mixed Use District for a development to be known as Riverpointe. The property is located generally south of I-70 and east of South Main Street and South River Road within Ward 3. This application does not include the ground known as Bangert Island.
Case No. Z-2021-11. (Paul Fortney – Pebblesteine LLC) An application to rezone an approximately 0.16 acre tract of land, known as 1100 S. Benton Avenue, from C-2, General Business District within the EHP Extended Historic Preservation District to R-1E, Single-Family Residential District within the EHP Extended Historic Preservation District. The subject property is located in Ward 2.
Case No. CU-2021-27. (Samantha Cisneros) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.270(C)(1) for a liquor sales associated with a permitted restaurant use in the CBD, Central Business District within the Historic Downtown District located at 323 N Main Street. The subject property is located in Ward 1.
Case No. TA-2021-09. (City of St. Charles) An application to amend Chapter 400 of the Code of Ordinances, specifically Section 400.050 Definitions and amending Section 400.230 C-3 Highway Business District specifically to address Kratom Products Facility. Adjourn The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission is scheduled for November 22nd, 2021.