4. Right-of-way Vacation. Vacation of the right-of-way of Old South River Road as described in attached legal description.
Case No. Z-2021-07. (Theodore Glosier) An application to rezone upon annexation an approximately 0.61 acre tract of land, known as 3820 Ehlmann Road, from St. Charles County R1E Single-Family Residential District to City of St. Charles R-1D Single-Family Residential District. The property will be located in Ward 6 upon annexation.
Case No. Z-2021-08. (Robert Greve) An application to rezone an approximately 1.94 acre tract of land, known as 300 Water Street, from C-1/EHP Neighborhood Business District within the Extended Historic Preservation District to HCD/EHP Historic Commercial District within the Extended Historic Preservation District. The subject property is located in Ward 2.
Case No. CU-2021-26. (Plush Automotive Group) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.220(C)(1)(a) for an In-Vehicle Sales and Service (drive-thru) use within the C-3 Highway Business District located at 3761 Mexico Road. The subject property is located in Ward 6.
Case No. SP-2021-29. (Bax Engineering Company – Larry Walker) A site plan application for the addition of two storage buildings located at 3100 Harry S Truman Boulevard within the I-1 Light Industrial District. The subject property is located in Ward 8.
Approval of 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dates and deadlines. Adjourn The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission is scheduled for October 25th, 2021.
4. Right-of-way Vacation. Vacation of the right-of-way of Old South River Road as described in attached legal description.
Case No. Z-2021-07. (Theodore Glosier) An application to rezone upon annexation an approximately 0.61 acre tract of land, known as 3820 Ehlmann Road, from St. Charles County R1E Single-Family Residential District to City of St. Charles R-1D Single-Family Residential District. The property will be located in Ward 6 upon annexation.
Case No. Z-2021-08. (Robert Greve) An application to rezone an approximately 1.94 acre tract of land, known as 300 Water Street, from C-1/EHP Neighborhood Business District within the Extended Historic Preservation District to HCD/EHP Historic Commercial District within the Extended Historic Preservation District. The subject property is located in Ward 2.
Case No. CU-2021-26. (Plush Automotive Group) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.220(C)(1)(a) for an In-Vehicle Sales and Service (drive-thru) use within the C-3 Highway Business District located at 3761 Mexico Road. The subject property is located in Ward 6.
Case No. SP-2021-29. (Bax Engineering Company – Larry Walker) A site plan application for the addition of two storage buildings located at 3100 Harry S Truman Boulevard within the I-1 Light Industrial District. The subject property is located in Ward 8.
Approval of 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dates and deadlines. Adjourn The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission is scheduled for October 25th, 2021.