Approve the minutes of the December 21st, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission regular meeting.
3. Case No. SP-2020-04: Time Extension. (Premier Design Group – Rich Musler) A site plan application for a 36 units student housing structures within the O-I Office Institutional District located east of the intersection of Karen Street and Patma Street. The subject property is located in Ward 9.
Case No. Z-2020-15. (Green Gryphon, LLC – Alex Close) An application to rezone a 0.67-acre tract of land identified as Lot 3E of Three Flags Plat 2 (Parcel ID# 6-014D-A374-00-003E.0000000), from C-2 General Business District to C-3 Highway Business District. The subject property is located in Ward 2.
5. Case No. CU-2020-16. (Edison Real Estate Seven, LLC – Mace Nosovitch) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.220(C)(1)(a) for an In-Vehicle Sales and Service (car wash) use within the C-2 General Business District located at 1850 Zumbehl Road. The subject property is located in Ward 6. 6. Case No. SP-2020-18. (Edison Real Estate Seven, LLC – Mace Nosovitch) A site plan application for a new 5,515 square foot carwash located at 1850 Zumbehl Road. The property is zoned C-2 General Business District, is approximately 2.06 acres in area, and is located in Ward 6.
7. Case No. CU-2021-01. (Well Properties, LLC – Jacob Illy) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.240(C)(1)(a) for an Outdoor Storage (RVs, campers, boats, trailers) use within the I-1 Light Industrial District located at Lot 43 of Elm Point Industrial Park Plat 3. The subject property is located in Ward 8. 8. Case No. SP-2020-18. (Well Properties, LLC – Jacob Illy) A site plan application for a new outdoor storage facility (RVs, campers, boats, trailers) located at Lot 43 of Elm Point Industrial Park Plat 3. The property is zoned I-1 Light Industrial District, is approximately 1.75 acres in area, and is located in Ward 8.
Case No. CU-2021-02. (Vivian Lee Motors – Gary Newton) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.220(C)(1)(c) for a motor vehicle sales use within the C-2 General Business District located at 2531 W Clay Street. The subject property is located in Ward 2.
Case No. SP-2021-02. (Cliff Heitmann – Bax Engineering) A site plan application for a new 71,608 square foot office/warehouse facility located at Lot 1B of Fountain Lakes Commerce Center. The property is zoned I-2 Heavy Industrial District, is approximately a 9.5 acre portion of the existing larger site, and is located in Ward 8.
Case No. TA-2021-01. (City of St. Charles) An application to amend Chapter 400 of the Code of Ordinances by amending §400.010, §400.050, §400.210, §400.230, §400.290 pertaining to tattooing, body piercing, branding, and permanent cosmetics.
Election of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary for 2021. THIS ITEM WAS TABLED AT THE DECEMBER 21ST, 2020 MEETING.
February Wellhead Protection Overlay discussion with Public Works Board. Adjourn The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission is scheduled for February 22nd, 2021.
Approve the minutes of the December 21st, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission regular meeting.
3. Case No. SP-2020-04: Time Extension. (Premier Design Group – Rich Musler) A site plan application for a 36 units student housing structures within the O-I Office Institutional District located east of the intersection of Karen Street and Patma Street. The subject property is located in Ward 9.
Case No. Z-2020-15. (Green Gryphon, LLC – Alex Close) An application to rezone a 0.67-acre tract of land identified as Lot 3E of Three Flags Plat 2 (Parcel ID# 6-014D-A374-00-003E.0000000), from C-2 General Business District to C-3 Highway Business District. The subject property is located in Ward 2.
5. Case No. CU-2020-16. (Edison Real Estate Seven, LLC – Mace Nosovitch) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.220(C)(1)(a) for an In-Vehicle Sales and Service (car wash) use within the C-2 General Business District located at 1850 Zumbehl Road. The subject property is located in Ward 6. 6. Case No. SP-2020-18. (Edison Real Estate Seven, LLC – Mace Nosovitch) A site plan application for a new 5,515 square foot carwash located at 1850 Zumbehl Road. The property is zoned C-2 General Business District, is approximately 2.06 acres in area, and is located in Ward 6.
7. Case No. CU-2021-01. (Well Properties, LLC – Jacob Illy) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.240(C)(1)(a) for an Outdoor Storage (RVs, campers, boats, trailers) use within the I-1 Light Industrial District located at Lot 43 of Elm Point Industrial Park Plat 3. The subject property is located in Ward 8. 8. Case No. SP-2020-18. (Well Properties, LLC – Jacob Illy) A site plan application for a new outdoor storage facility (RVs, campers, boats, trailers) located at Lot 43 of Elm Point Industrial Park Plat 3. The property is zoned I-1 Light Industrial District, is approximately 1.75 acres in area, and is located in Ward 8.
Case No. CU-2021-02. (Vivian Lee Motors – Gary Newton) An application for a Conditional Use Permit from §400.220(C)(1)(c) for a motor vehicle sales use within the C-2 General Business District located at 2531 W Clay Street. The subject property is located in Ward 2.
Case No. SP-2021-02. (Cliff Heitmann – Bax Engineering) A site plan application for a new 71,608 square foot office/warehouse facility located at Lot 1B of Fountain Lakes Commerce Center. The property is zoned I-2 Heavy Industrial District, is approximately a 9.5 acre portion of the existing larger site, and is located in Ward 8.
Case No. TA-2021-01. (City of St. Charles) An application to amend Chapter 400 of the Code of Ordinances by amending §400.010, §400.050, §400.210, §400.230, §400.290 pertaining to tattooing, body piercing, branding, and permanent cosmetics.
Election of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary for 2021. THIS ITEM WAS TABLED AT THE DECEMBER 21ST, 2020 MEETING.
February Wellhead Protection Overlay discussion with Public Works Board. Adjourn The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission is scheduled for February 22nd, 2021.