Case No. BOA-2022-03. Address: 902 Apricot Drive (Maris Home Improvement). A request to decrease the rear yard setback for an open, unenclosed deck from fifteen (15) feet to seven (7) feet as regulated in Section 400.620(A)(4) of the St. Charles Code of Ordinances. The property is zoned R-1E SingleFamily Residential District (Ward 1).
Case No. BOA-2022-04. Address: 228 Morgan Street (Alex & Skye Reichert). Two requests: 1) a request to decrease the minimum setback of a shelter/pen specifically for rabbits from any property line from fifty (50) feet to one and one-half (1.5) feet as regulated in Section 400.400(B)(1) of the City of St. Charles Code of Ordinances, and 2) a request to decrease the minimum setback of a run/enclosure specifically for hens from any property line from ten (10) feet to one and one-half (1.5) feet as regulated in Section 400.400(C)(5)(a) of the City of St. Charles Code of Ordinances. The property is zoned R-1E/FPD Single-Family Residential District within the Frenchtown Preservation District (Ward 1).
Administrative Item. Election of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary for 2022. This item was tabled at the March 7, 2022 meeting. Adjournment
Case No. BOA-2022-03. Address: 902 Apricot Drive (Maris Home Improvement). A request to decrease the rear yard setback for an open, unenclosed deck from fifteen (15) feet to seven (7) feet as regulated in Section 400.620(A)(4) of the St. Charles Code of Ordinances. The property is zoned R-1E SingleFamily Residential District (Ward 1).
Case No. BOA-2022-04. Address: 228 Morgan Street (Alex & Skye Reichert). Two requests: 1) a request to decrease the minimum setback of a shelter/pen specifically for rabbits from any property line from fifty (50) feet to one and one-half (1.5) feet as regulated in Section 400.400(B)(1) of the City of St. Charles Code of Ordinances, and 2) a request to decrease the minimum setback of a run/enclosure specifically for hens from any property line from ten (10) feet to one and one-half (1.5) feet as regulated in Section 400.400(C)(5)(a) of the City of St. Charles Code of Ordinances. The property is zoned R-1E/FPD Single-Family Residential District within the Frenchtown Preservation District (Ward 1).
Administrative Item. Election of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary for 2022. This item was tabled at the March 7, 2022 meeting. Adjournment